So we have the OSI dilute the Open source definition for grifters. Sorry Large Language Model AI.
The FSF .... Let's just not.
Now we have FOSDEM opening it's doors to a billionaire who presumably found Davos too boring and wants fresh blood to grift off.
I'm feeling like our FOSS orgs have drifted away from what I thought they were.
Perhaps it's the rose coloured glasses falling from my eyes.
@onepict they do seem to be dropping the things that made dealing with their various problems worth it.
@otfrom Other than FSFE being part of NGI Zero, I'm not sure there's an org that we can trust to represent the grassroots.
But perhaps that's the weakness, expecting centralised organisations to represent us.
We need to get more folks in, and help them to advocate for their local areas.
@onepict I feel I want/need a Free software union rather than a Free software institute.
I'd like to have a federation of the regional things to help share resources and what we learn. This does have the risk/drawback of centralisation.
@otfrom perhaps this is where we talk to folks like @MediaActivist or @how [] .
Look at how anarchic organisations cooperate.
@onepict almost certainly, given that the current institutions aren't serving the needs of the broader community but are instead following the sweet, sweet, funding monies
@otfrom @onepict @how [] Definitely food for thought! There are other (better) ways for sure. Though given how dire the current landscape is, I guess that's not massive comfort, ha.
@MediaActivist @onepict as you've nibbled, now I get to ask you how we start
@otfrom @onepict @how [] Haha I did wonder...! Is there a particular group? A forum? Chat? List of aims anywhere, based on current problems and potential solutions? Or just throw these around here!
@MediaActivist @onepict I'm happy to be pointed at something existing